The different pathways to our solutions

How can we work together?

At Keiryo, we believe that achieving material efficiency is a journey built on precision, innovation, and collaboration. We tailor our approach to meet your specific needs, whether you’re looking for in-depth data on optimized plastic performance or a custom, site-ready solution to enhance your manufacturing process. Drawing on meticulously tested and documented steps, we offer proven insights or hands-on solutions that integrate seamlessly into your production systems. Together, we can reduce waste, lower costs, and reach your sustainability goals—all without disrupting your existing processes.

PET: Currently in large-scale final testing in France, with seven detailed reports (278 pages) available for review and purchase.

Polyolefines: Join our program to access existing data and have your materials tested

Gain a competitive advantage today with access to our data for PET

Discover pathways to introducing our technology:

Data Access
Pilot project
Custom Insert sale
Data Access
Mapping industrially relevant window