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Data Access Flow Enhanced Nucleation Induced-Crystallization (FENIC) PET ISBM
currently includes 7 distinct reports for a total of 278 pages.
FENIC Science and its Fundamental Parameters
Consolidation of FENIC scientific background relevant to all semi-crystallizable polymers, like PET.
This report contains 20 pages.
Viscosity and its central role in FENIC
- Analysis of factors that can influence viscosity and consequently impact FENIC during PET melt processing.
- Emphasis on the significance of the main factors driving the PET melt viscosity.
This report contains 13 pages.
Reduction to practice
- Transitioning FENIC for PET from a laboratory to an industrially relevant environment.
- Demonstrating the relevance of applying the KP Technology to PET under industrially relevant processing conditions.
- Establishing the Processing Window Mapping for subsequent PET injection molding trials.
This report contains 19 pages.
Injection platform validation
- Validation of the industrial Injection Moulding Platform utilized including an overview of the pre- and post-trial control check points.
- Quality Control assessment of Reference and KP preforms against conventional industrial standards.
This report contains 36 pages.
A summary of the learnings from the controlled industrial injection trial
- Learnings extracted from the controlled industrial preform injection moulding trial with KP Technology.
- Details on the initial morphological characterization of both Reference and KP preforms.
This report contains 56 pages.
Validation of the reheat and stretch freeblow platform
- Validation of the controlled reheat stretch freeblown platform utilized to process Reference and KP preforms.
- Assessment of freeblow behavior under the same controlled processing conditions.
- KP proprietary data on Oxygen Transmission Rate (OTR) for Reference and KP samples.
This report contains 66 pages.
A summary of the learnings extracted from the execution of a full Engineering Workflow Cycle
- Covering a complete Engineering Workflow Cycle, from preform injection moulding over reheat-stretch freeblow trials and functional performance assessments.
- KP proprietary data on Oxygen Transmission Rate (OTR), Water Vapour Transmission Rate (WVTR) and thermal resistance for Reference and KP samples.
This report contains 68 pages.